I have most, if not all, of your programs! I love them all, and recommend them to anyone interested in astronomy, wildlife, paleontology, and wildlife.
Solar Walk
i like it but i have to spend money in the game 4 stars
Been using this apps for many years and the stuff I learned from studying the model is indispensable
don’t waste your money on this, very unrealistic, limited, expensive waste of space of a game
Because it is so realistic.
Just paid for the hi resolution earth and everytime it downloads the app only stays at the intro screen and I end up having to delete the app entirely and re download. Please fix this I don’t want to feel like I just wasted my hard earned money.
It’s so realistic and precise about the planets
Stops at splash screen and does not continue to open.
This was the better of the two Solar Walk versions. The interface was far better. Unfortunately, this version has stopped working.
The app has a bug where every so often it will crash and freeze on the loading screen, the only way to fix is to uninstall then reinstall it. Besides that my son loves it.
I can’t open the app. When I tap on it, it says solar walk and doesn’t change from it. I can’t use the app
I was excited to play. I logged on, then it went to a glitched screen so I just clicked off and on. Never loaded. I was worried if I wasted my money, as maybe the app didn’t let me on or something. Please let me know what’s going on.
I assume an update made the app not work anymore. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. IOS 16.16.1 IPad Pro 2 when a fix is in place I will happily re-review. Why 4 stars? Great App. After I deleted the app and all of the data it worked upon re-install.
Stuck on Solar Walk
For a the past few months every single time I open this app, it’s stuck in the intro screen with the music playing. Not able to access anything beyond that. The only time I can is when I delete the app and download it once more and even then, it works just the first time. This is one of my core app having been maybe the 1st ever app I downloaded way back when I bought the then new iPhone 4 and would love to access the information. So if the developers read my review, please find and fix the issue.
Why did I pay for this and now have an app that won’t load. Please advise.
It’s the best game ever I didn’t play for years. I was sad. I got it back in and playing it. We love the game. 🥹I got to see the whole galaxy. and I want to a star. that is the best game ever.
I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled twice and it will not load past the first screen, waste of money and time. I will be requesting a refund for it.
I open the app and the music plays, but it’s perpetually stuck on the logo screen. ☹️
I have had this app for years, and I haven’t seen any significant changes to this app. It is great on its own; an encyclopedia about our cosmic home. And, to keep users up with news about this home, you could add a “news” section, talking about all the updates on the solar system. Maybe you could talk about what scientists think about life in Jovian or Saturnian moons. You could talk about the future mission to Uranus. You could talk about Artemis! I also wish this app encompassed star systems outside of the Sun. We could learn about the Alpha Centauri system and its 3 stars, the Fomalhaut system and its dust ring, and so much more. Also, I want to learn a bit more about our Milky Way as a whole. Its satellite galaxies, the Sagittarius Stream, etc. This app has incredible potential, I’m disappointed that it hasn’t moved forward so much I think this app could become a great resource for astronomy in general, not just for our solar system.
Solar walk is awesome because you get to explore the solar system. You even get to see a view of the galaxy. I love this app a lot.
I deleted this app since there’s no update versions and no improvements. Thanks.
Edit: Deleted and reinstalled to fix. First of all I love this app! I prefer it over solar walk 2 because of the better resolution and full screen when using screen mirroring. I just noticed my app is stuck on the intro Solar Walk screen. I can hear music but it is stuck on the intro loading screen. Hopefully this can be fixed.
My name is Patrick Bateman, and I
The video section does not work. I paid to unlock sizes of the planets comparison and it doesn’t play the video
The text of the descriptions of planets and other objects gets cut off and you can’t fully read it. Very disappointing
The music need work though and more stuff needs to be free..
This would be a good app if it did not spend most of the time trying to sell you other stuff. Poorly designed in terms of user experience.
Worst thing ever
Can you please update the game was Kepler planet it’s livable
Love this app, so much information and a lot to learn!
I love looking at the stars and our planets with the wonder of a kid.
I it is a cool app because it’s cool and you can time travel. But I’m sad you cannot see consolations co
Hey guys, Solar system object size animation doesn’t work
We get notification that launched a browser for the topic of the notification. No way to get back into that browser if the access is interrupted. The content was interesting enough to look at and an ad caught my eye. When I lost the connection, there was no way back into the embedded browser
This is my first ever app review. I had to write this because this app is a rip off. I bought this app for five dollars for my kids due to the good reviews. However, to look at ANYTHING in the app, you have to make additional in-app purchases which range from one to five dollars EACH. Waste of time and money. Scam
For someone who doesn’t know much about the stars this is a great way to get started.
Solar walk was the first space simulator game I bought on my iPad And ever since then I always have this game in my heart Thank you
This is AWESOME!!
万岁!!!; 终于!!! 子非鱼安知鱼之乐
Very cool interesting and informative
There is a reasonable level of paying and I don’t mind but this is overboard. What a shame.
Best app ever made made
I keep getting badge notifications for the app, which begs this review. What’s it trying to bring attention to? I open up the app, and nothing...
The Size Comparison movie is just frozen there and cannot be played.
The reason this is a four star review is because one of the movies doesn’t work. It’s called size comparison and it just doesn’t work. I don’t know if it’s a glitch or what but I would think that for more than 10 bucks you can at least make all the things you paid for usable. Otherwise it’s great!
It’s fine. I would like it if you would use voices to go to other years faster. I’M NOT A FAN THAT I CAN ONLY GO TO THE YEARS 500 TO 5000. Can you include black holes and white holes ? We can’t see much. Also include the right color of the stars. For example Betelgeuse is orange not pink. Can you also improve the status on stars. There aren’t much status and it doesn’t make sense. Also can you show what it looks like at that time. For example I went year 500 and it what it is today that’s all the improvements I want. 2WEEKS LATER..... IF YOU RESPONDED WHY IS IT NOT IMPROVED. BETELGEUSE IS STILL PINK WHEN IT’S ACTUALLY ORANGE. START DOING IT OR I’M GOING TO REDUCE MY REVIEW TO THREE STARS IF YOU DON’T DO IT IN A MONTH.
If you enjoy looking up at the stars and would love to know what is above you, this app is for you. It also sends you info on upcoming events, like The strawberry moon or when the next meteor shower will be.